Additional & Special Needs
Halfway Junior School supports a wide range of children, including those with additional and special needs. For some children these needs are ongoing, for others they are short term. Whilst a small number of children join our school with clearly identified needs, other children's needs emerge as they grow older and we seek to develop a deeper understanding of their needs.
At Halfway Junior School, all children receive quality first teaching where lessons are designed to meet the needs of all pupils. Ultimately, we aim to develop confidence in our learners and move them forward, maximising their potential in every way possible. All staff are responsible for regular, robust monitoring of children's progress, both academically and emotionally. Through close communication with parents and Senior Leadership, we are able to target our support in a range of ways, individually tailored to a child's needs. This can be delivered through quality first teaching, additional in class support, small group or one-to-one intervention support.
We link closely with outside agencies to provide support for our children and families. We value the links with Speech and Language Service, the Multi Agency Support Team, Learning Support and Educational Psychologists. These services provide advice and assessment when needed but also the reassurance to parents and carers that school is catering for vulnerable pupils. The Multi Agency Support Team (MAST) can provide a wide range of services for our children and families and when required can provide support outside school.
All staff are dedicated to providing all children with quality teaching and provision in order for them to achieve their full potential, regardless of ability.
Alternatively, please contact Miss G Marklew, our Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), via the school office.
Useful SEN (Special Educational Needs) links
Short Breaks Grant Scheme
The Short Break Grant Programme provides a one-off payment up to a maximum of £400 per family to support parents or carers of disabled children and young people to access a short break at times that provide the greatest benefit to them as a family. The payment can be for things such as gym membership, day trips, a contribution to a holiday, cinema tickets etc.
Sheffield Parent Carer Forum
An independent group of parents and carers of children and young people (0-25) with disabilities and special educational needs. The main aim is to ensure the needs of our children are met. The Forum bring together parent carers from across Sheffield to provide mutual support, exchange information, and influence policy and practice. Click here for more details or here for a copy of the latest newsletter.
SNIPS - Special Needs Inclusion Play Service
The Special Needs Inclusion Playcare Service works with clubs and organisations providing play, care, recreational and leisure activities for children and young people aged 5 to 18. Click here for details.
SEN Code of Practice
Click here to view the statutory guidance for organisations who work with children and young people.
Autism Resources
Please click here to access the Sheffield Children's NHS Autism Resources.
Sheffield City Council SEN links
Services and activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Click here for more information.
The new Education, Health and Care Plan
Statements of Special Educational Need have been replaced by Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans. The new EHC Plan will give the same statutory protection, but now cover from birth to age 25 and will extend the rights to young people in further education and training, including apprenticeships, who currently have a Learning Disability Assessment (LDA).
Click here to see the Local Offer from Sheffield City Council.
OpenDyslexic is a typeface designed to make reading easier for some symptoms of dyslexia. Find out more here.
Family Fund
Family Fund are the UK's largest grant-giving organisation helping low-income families caring for children and young people with disabilities or serious illnesses. Find out more by clicking here.
Sheffield based charity supporting children and families with Aspergers Syndrome & High Functioning Autism. Find out more here.