Halfway Junior School

  1. Parents
  2. Communication


It is really important that we stay in regular contact with each other! This is why we communicate with our families regularly and in a variety of different ways.

Weekly Newsletters

This are sent out each Monday afternoon and contain up-to-date information about the school, including upcoming events, diary dates and reminders. 

We also have a section in our newsletter for news from Halfway Nursery and Infant School.

Text messages

At times we may communicate with you via text message. We use this communication channel to share with you urgent information.

Curriculum Newsletters

Our curriculum newsletters are sent out in the last week of each half-term, sharing with you what your child will be learning in each subject the following half term. We send these out before the term begins so should you want to look at anything with your child over the holiday you can do. 

Knowledge Organisers

Our knowledge organisers are sent out in the last week of each half-term, sharing with you key facts and information that your child needs to know and will learn in their topic the following half term. We send these out before the term begins so should you want to look at anything with your child over the holiday you can do.  

Parent Consultation Meetings

These are held twice a year and are a great chance for you to spend some time with your child's class teacher to discuss their progress and how they are getting on at school.

Our first meeting is held early in the Autumn term in order to discuss how your child has settled in, with the second meeting being held in the Spring term.

End of year reports

We send out annual end of term reports in July that share with you your child's achievements over the year across the curriculum.

Curriculum Expectation Meetings

The teachers hold these meetings at the start of each academic year for every year group. During the meeting you will find out about what your child will be learning during the year, the expectations of the curriculum and how you can support them. It is also a great opportunity to meet your child's new class teacher if you haven't already done so. 

For our new year 3 children, this meeting is held in July, before they start with us in September. This meeting not only covers what your child will be learning in year 3, but also goes through routines of the school that may be unfamiliar to you and gives you a chance to ask any questions. 

Open door 

We also operate an 'open door' policy and are always happy to meet with parents. Please feel free to drop into your child’s class to talk to their teacher before or after school. Please bear in mind that these times of day can be busy so you may prefer to meet with the class teacher after school and they will be happy to make an appointment with you for this.  Alternatively, you can contact the school office to make an appointment .

If you would like to speak to Mrs Shepherd or Mr Walker about anything, please make an appointment through the school office.  

You may also wish to contact us via email enquiries@halfway-jun.sheffield.sch.uk.
Alternatively, please click here to contact us.

Ofsted Parent View

Ofsted's website 'Parent View' allows you to anonymously tell Ofsted what you think of our school and also view what other parents have said.